Cody's Story
After 7 years of marriage and four months after the birth of his first son, Cody was diagnosed with cancer. Nearly six months were spent in-patient at the hospital and emergency rooms, with another year in and out of treatment and outpatient clinics while Cody battled cancer; time which was spent away from home and his son, Eli. Cody fought with a 'never give up' attitude and did find full healing, though it didn't come on earth.
Cody passed away on June 20, 2020, and found his complete healing through Jesus in Heaven. Cody inspired everyone around him to make memories, in spite of our battles. Cody's message lives on through the rest of us, and you can see him mostly through his twin on this earth, Eli. This foundation exists to honor Cody's legacy.
Please consider coming alongside us as we continue to keep Cody's legacy alive.